Mobikwik T&C
- Get 10% Cashback at Humming Bird Education Ltd.!
- Maximum Cashback that can be availed is Rs.100
- Offer valid once/user during the offer period
- Offer valid between 1 - 30 June 2021
- Code required to avail the offer is KWIK100
General Terms & conditions
- Cashback will be auto-credited to customer's MobiKwik wallet within 24 hours
- In case of partial refunds/cancellations, the refund amount will be adjusted with
the Cashback received on initial payment. Full Cashback will be rolled back in case
of a full refund
- After the refund is initiated, amount will be credited back to wallet within 7-10
- Both MobiKwik & Humming Bird reserve the right to discontinue the offer without
any prior notice
- There is no minimum transaction amount for Cashback